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Remote Work Competencies – Global Case Study Challenge Team

The Global Case Study Challenge Team is hosting an information session for educators who would like to join this 8-week virtual exchange on Remote Work Competencies (Intercultural-Digital-Collaboration-Sustainability Competencies) with their students. In March, the GCSC team has already organised a webinar on the topic and invited ACE partners. You can find more details on the GCSC on the ACE2-EU website and on their own website. A presentation on the Challenge 2024 is also available, including its timeline.

If you or your colleagues are interested in joining this two-month Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project with students, but have not yet contacted the GCSC team, you are warmly welcome to attend this info-session which will take place this Tuesday 30 April at 15:00 CEST.

You can register via this link: