Addressing Future Challenges – Delivering Sustainable Societal Transformation Today
56 393 Students
56 Associate Partners
9 Universities
53 Faculties
3 214 STAFF
29 Research Centers

Our Mission

“Addressing Future Challenges – Delivering Sustainable Societal Transformation Today.”

The mission of the Applied, Connected, Entrepreneurial and Engaged European University (ACE2-EU) is to equip our students, staff,
researchers, and external stakeholders with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to collectively address future challenges.
Addressing these challenges, including the twin digital and green transitions and socio-economic issues, will deliver sustainable societal
transformation, benefiting not only our regions and the EU, but society in general.

To fulfil our mission, we employ our distinctive ACE2-EU approach, collaborating with external stakeholders to create joint learning
opportunities and activities that engage all mission areas of our universities. We embrace challenge-based and work-based methodologies
in partnership with external stakeholders to develop flexible and innovative educational, research, innovation, and service to society
learning opportunities. These are crafted by multidisciplinary European knowledge creation teams comprising students, staff, researchers,
and stakeholders.

Our European inter-university campus is dedicated to a common vision and shared values, incorporating an inclusive student-centred joint
governance and management structure, and a shared pool of resources that includes staff and operational units.

Key operational units and systems include our: APP Factory which develops joint student-centred, challenge-based learning opportunities,
including short programmes and full degrees; ARIES Incubator focused on stimulating and creating joint research & innovation activities,
nurturing entrepreneurship, and supporting the development of our research community; SPACE Centre which co-creates joint service to
society activities and promotes cultural awareness; and our e-Campus digital platform. In living our mission, we will foster and promote the
core European Union values and objectives, including multiculturalism and multilingualism, thereby strengthening European identity
across our alliance.

The diagram below provides a visual representation of ACE2-EU including its joint operational units and their associated learning opportunities and initiatives designed to mobilise the collective strengths of ACE2-EU members in the four University mission areas of education, research, innovation, and service to society.